Sunday Productivity Level: 100

Sunday Productivity Level: 100

I got so much done yesterday it’s almost ridiculous.

I packed up preorders. I packed up soap club. I uploaded all of my work social media for the week. I went through my website and added two categories, reworked the front page of HaldeCraft, and went through a few pages and deleted old categories that were no longer relevant yet for some reason were still haunting the shop. I loaded a chapter onto Patreon. I put away all the dyeing supplies and set up that table to be able to make soap. I made a small list of soap that I’ll work on restocking soon. I made a list of the fragrances I want to make in the limited edition “triple butter” base for the Florida Fiber-In. I made a list of ceramic supplies and office supplies I need to order this week. In other words, I had a ridiculously productive Sunday.

I would have actually gotten into making the soap, but… someone was doing quality control on the boxes. (Don’t worry, there are sealed boxes inside those boxes, he’s not actually getting cat cooties all over my soap supplies!)

Which means that today I feel like doing Jack Shit, haha. I woke up when my alarm went off and wrinkled my nose at it and went back to sleep for a whopping 12 minutes when my Farscape alarm went off.

Today I do have to get postage on all those orders I boxed up yesterday, and get them to the post office, and run a couple of errands, but other than that…? What’s on my list? Glazing; I need to fire the kiln soon… both a glaze firing and a bisque firing. I’ve been filling Big Geek with greenware and she’s not full yet but I really need the things that are in her, so I might do a firing anyway even though she’s not full. I need to do some writing – the next Chapter is going to pick up where this one left off and I don’t want to lose momentum. I think September is a bonus chapter month, too, so I want to get ahead on that.

I hear that there’s going to be a limited edition Madame Leota Funko Pop available at the Magic Kingdom starting Friday. Is a quick drive down there on Saturday too much for someone who’s not collecting Funko Pops? Asking for a friend who’s obsessed with Disney’s Haunted Mansion, heh.

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