I can not brain, I have the ill

I can not brain, I have the ill

The night before last, I started to have a little rasp at the back of my throat. I don’t have time to get sick, I thought, so I’ll just take some Nyquil and sleep it off. Then I woke up yesterday morning with what felt like a flaming golf ball in the back of my throat. Ugh. And I could not take the day off because Tim was taking the day off to go to the ceramic supply shop in Jacksonville to get clay, which I desperately need. So it was “down the Dayquil” and off we were.

By the time we got back, I knew I was really sick because I fell asleep in the car in the middle of the day when I had perfectly good knitting in my lap. But I still had some work to to, I needed to trim a couple of yarn bowls I’d thrown the day before, and had to throw more. I trimmed the ones, sat to throw more, threw two that were wonky beyond belief, and gave up and switched to handbuilding some magnets — I promised the Big Bang Bazaar that I’d donate 100 small things to their swag bags, and I thought I’d do 50 soaps and 50 police call box magnets. So I guess I’d better get started on those! (Note to self: order more business cards really soon.)

I knew I wasn’t going to be any good for dinner, so I asked Tim if he minded fending for himself (he was spending the afternoon working on Chris and Sharon’s deck) and he was fine with that, so I kept puttering until the Dayquil wore off and then I was back to Nyquil, and asleep by 7 PM last night. I staggered up at about midnight to take more Nyquil, and then back to bed until just a little while ago.

I had to start the kiln firing, so I just lumbered over to the studio to get that started, and now I’m contemplating switching to Dayquil and trying to throw more yarn bowls… or sticking with Nyquil and going back to sleep again. Ugh. I’m glad I didn’t feel this bad while we were at Disney!

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