
Monday, I didn’t do much at all. It was rather nice; sort of like a day off. For the most part, during the day, I sat on the couch in front of the TV, knitting, while Tim cooked and Bill and Cathy ran errands.


Yes, Tim in the kitchen, and you know what that means! All sorts of good things came out of the kitchen that day, and it resulted in a fabulous Cajun meal that had even the initial doubters going back for seconds. Shrimp and crab etouffee, three different types of crab cakes, three different made-from-scratch dipping sauces… awwww yeah. You wish you had been there! Oh, and baked macaroni and cheese (as everything else has too much egg for me to be able to eat).

After dinner it was time to sit back with another small bonfire, and watch the neighborhood around us go up in sparkly booms. There were fireworks on probably six sides of us — big ones, too (fireworks are legal up here and there’s no burn ban, so BRING ON THE BOOM). Fireworks were still going when I fell asleep around 11 or so.

And today (as I’m writing this on Tuesday morning), Chicago! Denise! TW! Amanda! I have some posts staggered so I think this one doesn’t go up until Thursday, so you won’t find out about my Chi-town fun for a few days. We’re staying with friends outside of Baltimore and I don’t know what internet access is going to be like, but you’ll see the occasional Foursquare check-in or sock photo if you are following me on Twitter or Facebook (which, unlike this blog, I can get to on my phone — I have downloaded an app to get to my blog but can’t figure out how to configure this mysterious “line 140” or something that it tells me needs to be rewritten).

ANYWAY. Hope y’all are having fun while I’m gone! Laura has been sending me photos of the kitties (whom I miss, but the photos make it easier, so thank you Laura!) and nobody has called from Calusa Animal Inn with any Upsetting Dog News so I am assuming everything is fine there too.

Vacation! FTW! Y’all should try this vacation thing. It’s pretty awesome.

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