Things to do (or not do) over the next 3-4 days

Things to do (or not do) over the next 3-4 days

Do not eat all my hurricane snacks.
Do not eat all my hurricane snacks.
Do not eat all my hurricane snacks.
Do not eat all my hurricane snacks.
Do not eat all my hurricane snacks.

Welcome to my pre-hurricane brain dump.

So, best guess for if we lose power, will be that if we do, it’ll be overnight Tuesday/Wednesday. Maybe as early as Tuesday afternoon. How long will it be down? Who knows. Note to self: research blog for last big hurricane and see how long we were without power then. I seem to recall 4-5 days.

New mug of the month goes up for sale on Monday. Should I list it now? Just in case? What about other work things? Should I pre-set social media posts for the week? For the whole week? Just for a few days? Or just Monday and Tuesday because anything after Wed is up in the air and I don’t want people to think I’m in the studio if I’m really sitting here without electricity.

I’ve filled my dye pots with water; we can’t drink it, but we can use it to refill the toilet in the studio if the power goes out (power out means no pump, no pump means no water). I have yet to fill the big tub in the house but I’ll do that at the next-to-last minute just so I can climb over it to water plants for the next couple of days.

Which reminds me – I also want to write a blog post about hurricane prep and waiting and recovery. It’s come to my attention that not everyone knows how to read a tracking map, and some people are curious about staying vs. evacuating, and I’d like to address all those things.

Will this hurricane screw up the Florida Fiber-In? Or is it still far enough away that any light damage in Orlando (and gas crisis) can be fixed by then? Note to self: email Brenda.

For those wondering – we are fine with food. Cetty and Joe are with us and barring any horrific accidents with their RV, they can run enough electricity off of their RV to a specific breaker in our house that will give us power for our fridge and our coffeepot (which can be switched out for charging phones when I’m done with coffee). The biggest stressors over no power out here are (a) no water pump (b) no air conditioning (c) no TV to sit around and watch crappy movies. And if it’s raining, the dogs won’t want to go outside unless we take them into the FUN FRONT YARD YAAAAAAY. Oh, dogs. Oh, and we have like three grills, so food can be cooked as well.

I do want to do some dishes and clean the kitchen before/if we lose power, just so I’m not looking at dirty dishes I can’t do anything about for however long.

I mean, it’s not a 100% certainty that we’ll lose power, but it’s a good assumption. For one, we’re out in the country with a shitload of trees that could come down on a power line in any of a thousand places between us and Clay Electric. For another, well, that’s it, really. We’re far out and the weather will be bad. So we’re prepared. Fortunately with Cetty and Joe’s help, we won’t lose the food in the fridge, and if Denise and Tarrant get power before us, we can go over there for long hot showers and some air conditioning.

Seriously, what should I do about work stuff? Pre-write a bunch of blog posts in case we’re out of power for a week? Go ahead and list things early in case I can’t list them the day I wanted to?

Why do hurricanes have to be so gorram slow? I’m ready for this shit to be over three days before the thing is even here.

BTW – I’ve reached out to a few friends south of us, to see if they were headed north for shelter and to offer our property if they were. Everyone I talked to is staying put. If I didn’t talk to you, and you want to evacuate, come see me! I’ve got so many snacks! Please don’t make me eat them all!

Do not eat all my hurricane snacks.
Do not eat all my hurricane snacks.
Do not eat all my hurricane snacks.
Do not eat all my hurricane snacks.
Do not eat all my hurricane snacks.

Peace out, y’all!

One thought on “0

  1. Lore, I’ve known people to dump bottled water down toilets with an EIGHTY GALLON WATER HEATER almost at arms reach. Don’t discount that. Just be sure to turn breaker off so it gets ful when power restored before heating.

    Stay Safe, new one building inside the Gulf this morning.. 🙁

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