Not really the worst day; actually pretty good

In spite of the song of the week, which is really more about LAST week than this UPCOMING week, yesterday was not actually the worst day. In fact, it was pretty fun. For instance, for a little bit, this was our view –

The house that John built

We went down to our friend John’s house, and he’s finished the treehouse/deck he was working on. I took some other pictures to give the size of the tree but haven’t hooked up my camera yet. This is from the deck, looking down on the house.

We had a really great time at John’s. He was having a birthday party and I got to meet a lot of people I’d never met before, and of course they were all fascinating. I don’t think I’ve had that much fun talking to strangers in years. It was also a pot luck, and Tim brought feijoada, which – no surprise – was quite popular. The recipe he makes feeds armies, and I really don’t think we brought too much home.

I also had a call from my friend Moxie, in Wales, and we talked for almost an hour. It was really great to hear her voice! She’s been sick for a little while and we hadn’t talked in a couple of months, and it was wonderful to hear from her and hear a hint of a healthy sparkle in her voice  (love you, sweetie!).

Today I am pouring ceramics, making soap, and fiddling around with something I’ll post a little bit more about tomorrow. Hooray, crafts!

Hope everyone else is also having a lovely weekend.

3 thoughts on “0

  1. It was a fun party and the feijoada was wonderful, as were the rest of the potluck dishes. John just told me had the last of the feijoada for breakfast! Love, Aunt Gay

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