Hello, Monday

Hello, Monday

Ugh, mornings. I just wrote a post for my work blog and while it wasn’t super wordy – mostly pictures from the Crafts & Drafts – now I’m staring at the screen for my personal blog and going… er? Words? Hello?

I really want to take a couple of days off. I’m not super burnt-out, like I was right after Fiber-In, but my motivation seems to have taken an unexpected vacation and all I’m in the mood to do is sit on the couch and binge on the 60-something episodes of Arrow on my DVR, and knit something. But I also have a lot of work to do — I need to get weekend orders out, yarn club out, soap club ready to go out, and I’m going to lose half a day this week to a dentist appointment (the appointment itself is just a cleaning and won’t take long, but it’s on the other side of Gainesville which means about two hours in the car for an hour-long appointment).

So, responsibility will win out, but maybe I’ll take a couple of long lunches today and tomorrow, and watch an episode or two during my lunch break. Shhh, don’t tell my boss.

One thought on “0

  1. Definitely “take a couple of long lunches today and tomorrow, and watch an episode or two during my lunch break.” You work hard — pamper yourself just a little bit.

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